Having a trademark is essential to create and establish your product/service in this competitive world. But you know what would be even better? If this entire process of registering for a trademark was completely hassle-free. Read on to learn more.
What Is A UPI ID? How Does It Work?
UPI based payments have seen significant growth in India in the last few years. Read on to know how this digital payment system works.
A Quick Guide to Register Business Under Startup India Scheme
The Government of India has created various beneficial schemes to boost entrepreneurs and help them establish their businesses. Here’s a quick guide.
Tapping into Emerging Markets: How India’s Payment Gateway Industry is Poised to Change the World
In early 2012, some small-time office corners given to Falguni Nayar out of goodwill witnessed the humble beginnings of Nykaa with a total of three employees. In the middle of…
Everything About Bharat QR Code And Its Benefits
BharatQR allows merchants to receive money from their buyers without any limit. At the same time, the customers get to make purchases without using hard cash, with just a click.
How To Choose The Best Payment Gateway For Your Business?
Payment gateway looks after your business’s cash management needs. Sending invoices and preventing online fraud are other features you need for running a business smoothly.
How Do Online Payments In India Work?
India is entering a cashless economy where online payments will be the future. Let’s understand the state of the Indian Digital Payments ecosystem.
How Are Digital Payments Revolutionizing Money In India?
Cash has become obsolete; thus, sellers and buyers wanted secure and convenient payment options. This is where digital payments came into play, allowing inclusive growth of the economy as a whole.
Decode Direct and Indirect Taxes for MSMEs in India
The Indian taxation system charges MSMEs direct and indirect taxes. Direct tax is a tax on income, whereas indirect tax is passed on to the end consumer.
How to Register a Startup Company in India
Planning to register your startup? Explore the process to register them and achieve ease of doing business with PayU as your partner in the journey!