Shopify is an excellent platform for getting started with an online presence for your business without any delay. It provides an appropriate site layout and infrastructure and helps you scale big.

To give your customers the ideal experience, you must couple your Shopify presence with PayU India’s Payment Gateway. Let’s look at how you can start accepting payments at minimal costs.

Every business person wants to reach as large an audience as possible to sell their products or services. Earlier, the market for the business owner was restricted to its physical boundaries. The Internet has just done away with this limitation. It enables a business entrepreneur to reach out to practically all corners of the world. No wonder today, most businesses are striving to create an online presence for their venture. 

PayU India lets business owners with an online commerce presence accept payments on the go with their seamless Payment Gateway facility. How Shopify can assist you in this endeavour and how to integrate Payment Gateway in Shopify is the crux of our article today.

What Are The Significant Benefits of Choosing An Online E-commerce Platform To Set Up A business?

For a business owner, there are two options to set up operations online. They can either choose to build the entire infrastructure from scratch. Or they could make life simpler for themselves by choosing an e-commerce platform. Some of the advantages of choosing an e-commerce platform are:

  • 1) It Provides A Suitable Site Infrastructure To Customers.

When users browse through a website or an app for their purchase requirements, their journey goes something like this :

  • Browsing options
  • Narrowing down on purchases
  • Checking for their availability
  • The checkout process
  • Choosing delivery schedule and options
  • Tracking orders
  • And finally receiving the delivery

What attracts consumers to online shopping is the ease and convenience associated with the activity. The vendor needs to ensure that the entire process of shopping needs to be streamlined to attract the maximum number of users. An e-commerce platform like Shopify goes a long way in fulfilling these needs.

  • 2) Cost-effectiveness.

A merchant is always conscious of all the cost factors involved in the business. A successful business owner always tries to find the most cost-effective solutions for each business process. Choosing an e-commerce platform helps a vendor keep the costs very much under control compared to building the entire infrastructure from scratch.

  • 3) Computer and mobile compatibility.

Technology has enabled the full service of the Internet and its various applications to be available directly in the hands of the users via their mobile phones.

Customers find it easy to access the Internet while being on the move through their mobile phones. A successful business venture has to look at a website for a computer and the mobile mode.

Mobile apps also have become prevalent, and users are increasingly using this facility for various activities. While choosing an e-commerce platform, a merchant should ensure that it allows for a web presence on the computer and the mobile.

  • 4) Troubleshooting and service support.

A reputed company like Shopify provides a robust and efficient system for troubleshooting. It also has dedicated services for support. Service support goes a long way to ensure that the merchant is free from worries of the technical front and can concentrate on the other aspects of the business.

  • 5) Scaling up

Once you have set up an online business presence and have it up and running, the role of the e-commerce platform does not end over there. As businesses grow, services need to be scaled up to cater to the increasing demand of the users. A trusted e-commerce platform should enable the merchant to scale up operations as the business grows.

How Is A Payment Gateway Valuable For A Business Organisation?

Let us look at the importance of Payment Gateway in a business venture and how you can ideally do Payment Gateway integration in Shopify. 

Although all features in a website or app are essential, the Payment Gateway is probably where a higher level of critical evaluation is necessary. After all, this is the stage where the financial transaction information is exchanged between the buyer and seller.

 Payment Gateways are the life source of a business’s financial sustenance. The role of Payment Gateways starts once the user reaches the checkout process in the shopping experience. Payment Gateways help in the following ways –

  • Offering various modes of payment options to the customer.
  • Getting the requisite approval from the customer’s bank for the transaction.
  • Validating the transaction.
  • Collecting the amount from the purchaser’s source bank.
  • And finally transferring these funds to the seller.

PayU India has already created a strong reputation as a reliable choice of a Payment Gateway in India. Let us now look at efficiently setting up a Payment Gateway in Shopify.

How Can You Quickly Set Up A Payment Gateway In Shopify?

Shopify’s e-business platform offers services of several Payment Gateways. Apart from third-party Payment Gateway service providers, Shopify also has its own Payment Gateway feature called Shopify Payments. 

Due to the Government regulations of various countries, this facility is not available worldwide. A list of Custom Payment Gateways in Shopify is readily available on Shopify’s website. 

As a business owner, you need to inspect the available options thoroughly. It will be prudent for you to check the terms offered, the payment modes available, the fees charged, the support provided, and the company’s track record. Once you have narrowed down your requirements, you can integrate the ideal Payment Gateway option in Shopify. 

The Steps In The Process of Integrating A Payment Gateway Into Shopify

From the Shopify admin dashboard,

  • Go to “Settings” and choose “Payment Providers”.
  • Select “Add a provider”.
  • From the “Change Provider” option, select “Third-party Credit Card Provider” from the drop-down list of the ” Change Provider ” option.
  • Your screen will display a list of the eligible Payment Gateway service providers according to the country of operation.
  • Select your chosen option.
  • An online form will pop up requiring you to enter the necessary information.
  • After you have filled in the details, press “Activate”.

Now you are all ready to go and start your e-commerce venture and begin receiving payments for your products or services.


All aspects of a working model for a vibrant and dynamic online presence are well-considered by Shopify. Shopify provides solutions for MSMEs and start-up founders.

Shopify Plus is another facility from the same company available for enterprises with high volumes. Merchants or large businesses with a high traffic rate can avail themselves of these services.

In conclusion, we can see that Shopify provides a holistic solution for boosting your website. When you receive payments with PayU India’s Payment Gateway, you take away a massive burden off your shoulders. Integrating Payment Gateway in Shopify is relatively easy and allows for the smooth functioning of your online venture.


Can I integrate a Payment Gateway in Shopify?

Yes, to integrate a Payment Gateway in Shopify and quick and straightforward. You can follow the pointer steps mentioned above to do that yourself.

Does Shopify provide options for choosing Payment Gateways?

Yes, there are several options for you to select. PayU India, a reliable Payment Gateway trusted by many, is also available for smooth integration on Shopify.

Can a Payment Gateway help in running my business efficiently?

Having a Payment Gateway in an online business is a crucial requirement. With a Payment Gateway you trust, you will be able to collect business payments on time.