
PayU Grievance Policy

1: Background
    1.1 PayU Payments Private Limited (“PayU Payments”) acts as an intermediary between its business customers (“Merchants”) and the end users (“Consumer”) by aggregating various payment instruments to facilitate online transactions. The Reserve Bank of India (“RBI”) vide notification dated 17 March 2020 bearing reference number RBI/DPSS/2019-20/174 DPSS.CO.PD.No.1810/02.14.008/2019-20 as amended, restated, clarified and modified from time to time (“PA Guidelines”) has laid out regulations for PayU Payments’ payment aggregation business.

2: Values and Aims
    2.1 PayU Payments values and aims to assure a transparent approach towards resolution of grievances of Merchants or Consumers and has to that end formulated and implemented this CGR Policy. While PayU Payments continues to aim to minimizing instances of grievances, this customer grievance redressal policy of PayU Payments (“CGR Policy”), which has been approved by the board of directors of PayU Payments, seeks to create a channelized approach, review mechanism and prompt redressal of grievances of Merchants or Consumers in a timely manner.

3: Scope & Applicability
    3.1 This CGR Policy outlines a structured grievance redressal mechanism available to Merchants and Consumers for raising their grievances to PayU Payments and the manner in which PayU Payments shall or shall attempt to redress such grievances.

4: Key Features
    4.1. The grievance redressal process of PayU Payments as outlined in this CGR Policy aims to:
        4.1.1. be well defined and publicly disclosed, and be comprehensive
        4.1.2. be clearly and easily accessible through one or more channels to Merchants and Consumers
        4.1.3. have provisions for resolution of grievances within the timelines specified in the CGR Policy at each stage of resolution
        4.1.4. provide to Merchant and/or Consumer the facility to keep track of the grievance throughout the resolution process
        4.1.5. and have a well-defined escalation matrix with level 1 escalation being pre-requisite to level 2 and level 3.

5: Team sensitisation on handling complaints
    5.1. PayU Payments’ Merchant or Consumer support team undergoes training as may be necessary to ensure that Merchants’ or Consumers’ queries and grievances are handled in an appropriate manner. The support team is encouraged to work in a manner which helps PayU Payments in offering effective and efficient resolution which in turn builds the trust and confidence of Merchants and Consumers.

6: Updating of grievance redressal mechanism
    6.1. At PayU Payments, the Merchant and/or Consumer experience is one of our priorities. The Merchant or Consumer experience is constantly analysed and remedial measures suitably implemented on the basis of grievances received from Merchants or Consumers. Therefore, a mechanism is sought to be initiated for analysis and requisite action at the grass root levels towards rectification of any recurring concerns or grievances that may be identified. This helps in improving the overall quality of the service levels on a continuous basis and allows PayU Payments to remain Merchant and Consumer centric in its operations.

7: Manner of registering complaints
    7.1. Since Merchant and/or Consumer experience is one of the priorities, at PayU Payments, significant emphasis is sought to be laid on Merchant and Consumer feedback or grievances. The grievance redressal mechanism of PayU Payments as elaborated in this CGR Policy is based on the following escalation matrix:

LevelPoint of ContactDetails
1Multi-ChannelThrough the chatbot and emaill address as made available on the ‘contact us’ page on
2Customer Care HeadCustomer Care Head
PayU Payments Private Limited
9th floor, Bestech Business Tower, Sohna Road, Sector 48, Gurgaon -122002, Haryana, India
Email address:
3Nodal OfficerNodal Officer:
PayU Payments Private Limited
9th floor, Bestech Business Tower, Sohna Road, Sector 48, Gurgaon -122002, Haryana, India
Email address:

    7.2. Merchants and Consumers are advised to exhaust the remedy at the numerically preceding level before escalating to a numerically higher level.

    7.3 The ensuing parts of this CGR Policy is split into 3 (three) parts and provides for:
        Part A: Redressal process for Merchants for all types of grievances.
        Part B: Redressal process for Consumers for all types of grievances.
        Part C: A specific redressal process for Consumers for failed transactions through Online Dispute Resolution mechanism (as per RBI Circular bearing reference no. RBI/2020-21/21 DPSS.CO.PD No.116/02.12.004/2020-21 dated 6 August 2020 and as amended from time to time) (“ODR Circular”) read with RBI Circular on Harmonization of TAT and Compensation (“RBI TAT Circular”) (bearing reference no. RBI/2019-20/67 DPSS.CO.PD No.629/02.01.014/2019-20 dated 20 September 2019 and amended from time to time). [Note: Where a Consumer has a failed transaction and reaches out to the Merchant, the Merchant will need to guide the Consumer to PayU Payments’ ODR system. In case of a failed transaction, if the Consumer reaches out to PayU Payments, the grievance will be resolved by PayU Payments.]

Part A: Grievance Redressal Process for Merchants
    A.1 Grievances of all nature that any Merchant (across all Merchant categories without differentiation) has need to be categorized and the redressal system must have the ability across the channels to lodge and redress a variety of grievances. The Merchant will be able to file a variety of complaints and PayU Payments’ internal process must be able to categorize the complaints and deal with them appropriately and transparently.

    A.2 In case a grievance is not addressable by PayU Payments or does not relate to deficiency at PayU Payments’ end, the Merchant must be suitably informed and guided to the appropriate party in the payments ecosystem.

    A.3 The Merchants will receive a ticket having a grievance tracking number for tracking the status of the complaint.

    A.4 The Merchant will also be provided the facility to track the status of the grievance across the channels that are implemented.

    A.5 The escalation matrix will be provided in the following manner:
a. Level 1: Merchant’s grievance handled by a Multi-Channel Grievance System
    (i) Merchants will be provided with one or more channels for lodging disputes and grievances through the chatbot and/or email address as made available on the ‘contact us’ page of (supported by a functionality with the ability to generate tickets that can be attended to by the backend teams). With experience gained, PayU Payments will also consider enhancing its overall care process taking into account needs of Merchants and Consumers.

(ii) A ticket will be created for every complaint lodged and will get communicated to the merchants after lodgment. Such ticket will also have a grievance tracking number to be resolved within the timelines as defined in this CGR Policy, that is 6 business days.

(iii) Merchants will be provided with the option to escalate the complaint to the next level as indicated below.

b. Level 2: Merchant’s grievance handled by Customer Care Head
(i) Merchant can escalate the grievance/ complaint to the Customer Care head as below:
Customer Care Head – PayU Payments
PayU Payments Private Limited
9th floor, Bestech Business Tower, Sohna road, Sector 48, Gurgaon -122002, Haryana, India
Email address:

(ii) Merchant to provide the following details:
o Grievance tracking number or ticket issued by PayU Payments.
o Name of Merchant.
o Registered contact details of Merchant.
o Date of first lodging the complaint with PayU Payments.
o Response provided by PayU Payments at Level 1.
o Description of complaint/ grievance.
o Any additional details that the Merchant may want to provide.

(iii) All complaints received will be acknowledged at the earliest, the unique grievance tracking number issued at level 1 should be validated/tagged at level 2 and resolved within the timelines as defined in this CGR Policy, that is, 5 business days [Note: For failed transactions through ODR, the requirements of RBI TAT Circular should be met].

(iv) Merchants will be provided with the option to escalate the complaint to the next level as indicated below.

c. Level 3: Merchant’s grievance handled by Nodal Officer

(i) Merchant can escalate the grievance/ complaint to the nodal officer as below.
Nodal Officer– PayU Payments
PayU Payments Private Limited
9th floor, Bestech Business Tower, Sohna road, Sector 48, Gurgaon -122002, Haryana, India
Email address:

(ii) Merchant to provide the following details:
o Grievance tracking number or ticket issued by PayU Payments.
o Name of Merchant.
o Registered contact details of Merchant.
o Date of first lodging the complaint with PayU Payments.
o Response provided by PayU Payments at Level 1.
o Response provided by the Customer Care Head at Level 2.
o Description of complaint/ grievance.
o Any additional details that the Merchant may want to provide.

(iii) All complaints received should be acknowledged at the earliest, the unique grievance tracking number issued at level 1 should be validated/tagged at level 3 and resolved within the timelines as defined in this CGR Policy, that is, 4 business days [Note: for failed transactions through ODR, the requirements of RBI TAT Circular should be met].

Part B: Grievance Redressal Process for Consumers

B.1 The Consumer will be able to file a variety of complaints (against a Merchant or PayU Payments) and PayU Payments’ internal processes will categorize the complaints and deal with them appropriately and transparently.

B.2 In case a grievance is not addressable by PayU Payments or does not relate to any error at PayU Payments’ end, the Consumer will be suitably informed and guided to the appropriate party/Merchant in the ecosystem.

B.3 The Consumer will receive a ticket containing a grievance tracking number for tracking the status of the complaint.

B.4 The Consumer will also be provided the facility to track the status of the grievance across the channels that are implemented

Consumer’s grievance against Merchant reported to PayU Payments by the Consumer

B.5 For grievances relating to Merchants, product liability, delivery, fraud claims (i.e., matters beyond the scope of PayU Payments services) the Consumer will be directed to the relevant Merchant for appropriate action and the procedure provided below should be followed (“Merchant Related Grievances”).

B.6 The escalation matrix should be provided in the following manner:

a. Level 1: Merchant Related Grievance handled by Merchant (PayU Payments to redirect Consumers)
(i) Consumers should be provided with one or more channels for lodging disputes and grievances through the chatbot and/or email address as made available on the ‘contact us’ page of (supported by a functionality with the ability to generate tickets that can be attended to by the backend teams.). With experience gained, PayU Payments will also consider enhancing its overall care process taking into account needs of Merchants and Consumers.

(ii) A ticket should be created for every compliant lodged containing a grievance tracking number and the ticket will get communicated to the Consumers and Merchants (as applicable) after lodgment. Such ticket will also contain a grievance tracking number to be resolved by the Merchant within the timelines as agreed between the Consumers and the Merchants or as may be agreed between the Merchants and PayU Payments.

(iii) Merchants should be required to provide appropriate, transparent and efficient grievance redressal mechanism for Merchant Related Grievances that are received by PayU Payments.

(iv) Consumer should be provided with the option to escalate the complaint to the next level within PayU Payments as indicated below in case the Consumer does not receive a resolution from the Merchant.

(v) All complaints received will be acknowledged at the earliest, the unique grievance tracking number issued at level 1 should be validated/tagged at level 2 and resolved within the timelines as defined in the policy, that is, 6 business days [Note: For failed transactions through ODR, the requirements of RBI TAT Circular should be met].

b. Level-2: Merchant Related Grievances handled by Customer Care head
(i) Consumer can escalate the grievance/ complaint to the Customer Care head as below:
Customer Care Head – PayU Payments
PayU Payments Private Limited
9th floor, Bestech Business Tower, Sohna road, Sector 48, Gurgaon -122002, Haryana, India
Email address:

(ii) Consumer to provide the following details:
o Grievance tracking number or ticket, if any, issued by PayU Payments.
o Name of Merchant.
o Contact details of the Consumer.
o Date of first lodging the complaint with the Merchant.
o Response provided by Merchant at Level 1.
o Description of complaint/ grievance.
o Any additional details that the Consumer may want to provide.

(iii) Consumers should be provided with the option to escalate the complaint to the next level as indicated below.

(iv) All complaints received will be acknowledged at the earliest, the unique grievance tracking number issued at level 1 should be validated/tagged at level 2 and resolved within the timelines as defined in the policy, that is, 5 business days [Note: For failed transactions through ODR, the requirements of RBI TAT Circular should be met].

c. Level 3: Merchant Related Grievances handled by Nodal Officer
(i) Consumer can escalate the grievance/ complaint to the nodal officer as below:
Nodal Officer– PayU Payments
PayU Payments Private Limited
9th floor, Bestech Business Tower, Sohna road, Sector 48, Gurgaon -122002, Haryana, India
Email address:

(ii) Consumer to provide the following details:
o Grievance tracking number or ticket, if any, issued by PayU Payments.
o Name of Merchant.
o Date of first lodging the complaint with PayU Payments.
o Response provided by PayU Payments at Level 1.
o Response provided by Merchant.
o Response provided by the Customer Care Head at Level 2.
o Description of complaint/ grievance.
o Any additional details that the Consumer may want to provide.

(iii) All complaints received will be acknowledged at the earliest, the unique grievance tracking number issued at level 1 should be validated/tagged at level 3 and resolved within the timelines as defined in the policy, that is, 4 business days [Note: For failed transactions through ODR, the requirements of RBI TAT Circular should be met].

Consumer’s grievance against PayU Payments reported to PayU Payments by the Consumer

B.7 For refund and other grievances that are within the scope of PayU Payments the following procedure may be followed (“PayU Payments Related Grievances”). For failed transactions, the process as laid out under Part 3 should be followed.

B.8 The escalation matrix will be provided in the following manner:
a. Level 1: PayU Payments Related Grievances handled through Multi Channel Grievance System
(i) Consumers will be provided with one or more channels for lodging disputes and grievances through the chatbot and/or email address as made available on the ‘contact us’ page of (supported by a functionality with the ability to generate tickets that can be attended to by the backend teams). With experience gained, PayU Payments will also consider enhancing its overall care process taking into account needs of Merchants and Consumers.

(ii) A ticket will be created for every compliant lodged containing a grievance tracking number and the ticket will get communicated to the consumers after lodgment at the earliest. Such ticket will also contain a grievance tracking number to be resolved within the timelines as defined in this CGR Policy, that is, 6 business days.

(iii) Consumers will be provided with the option to escalate the complaint to the next level within PayU Payments as indicated below in case the Consumer does not receive a resolution. The escalation may be made as indicated below.

b. Level-2: PayU Payments Related Grievances handled by Customer Care Head

(i) Consumer can escalate the grievance/ complaint to the Customer Care head as below:
Customer Care Head – PayU Payments
PayU Payments Private Limited
9th floor, Bestech Business Tower, Sohna road, Sector 48, Gurgaon -122002, Haryana, India
Email address:

(ii) Consumer to provide the following details:
o Grievance tracking number or ticket, if any, issued by PayU Payments.
o Name of Merchant.
o Contact details of the Consumer.
o Date of first lodging the complaint with the PayU Payments.
o Response provided by PayU Payments at Level 1.
o Description of complaint/ grievance.
o Any additional details that the Consumer may want to provide.

(iii) All complaints received will be acknowledged at the earliest, the unique grievance tracking number issued at level 1 should be validated/tagged at level 2 and resolved within the timelines as defined in this CGR Policy, that is, 5 business days [Note: For failed transactions through ODR, the requirements of RBI TAT Circular should be met].

(iv) Consumers will be provided with the option to escalate the complaint to the next level as indicated below.

c. Level 3: PayU Payments Related Grievances handled by Nodal Officer

(i) Consumer can escalate the grievance/ complaint to the nodal officer as below.
Nodal Officer– PayU Payments
PayU Payments Private Limited
9th floor, Bestech Business Tower, Sohna road, Sector 48, Gurgaon -122002, Haryana, India
Email address:

(ii) Consumer to provide the following details:
o Grievance tracking number or ticket, if any, issued by PayU Payments.
o Name of Merchant.
o Date of first lodging the complaint with PayU Payments.
o Response provided by PayU Payments at Level 1.
o Response provided by the Customer Care Head at Level 2.
o Description of complaint/ grievance.
o Any additional details that the Consumer may want to provide.

(iii) All complaints received will be acknowledged at the earliest, the unique grievance tracking number issued at level 1 should be validated/tagged at level 3 and resolved within the timelines as defined in this CGR Policy, that is, 4 business days [Note: For failed transactions through ODR, the requirements of RBI TAT Circular should be met].

Part C: Redressal Process for Failed Transactions through ODR

C.1 PayU Payments’ internal process will be able to categorize the failed transactions grievances i.e., a transaction which has not been fully completed due to any reason not attributable to the Consumer such as failure in communication links, time-out of sessions, etc. that may be reported to PayU Payments either by a Merchant or a Consumer and the grievance redressal system should deal with them appropriately and transparently.

C.2 Failed transaction grievances will be resolved through an online dispute resolution (“ODR”) process in accordance with the ODR Circular read with the RBI TAT Circular.

C.3 The Consumer will receive a ticket containing a grievance tracking number for tracking the status of the complaint. In case the failed transaction grievance is received through a Merchant, the ticket containing the grievance tracking number may be provided to Merchant (for sharing it onwards to the Consumer) or to the Consumer directly).

C.4 The Consumer will also be provided the facility to track the status of the grievance across the channels that are implemented.

Failed transaction first reported to Merchant

C.5 The escalation matrix for failed transactions reported first to a Merchant (“Failed Transaction Report to Merchant”) will be provided in the following manner:

a. Level 1: Failed Transaction Report to Merchant (Merchant to redirect Consumers)

(i) Merchant will be required to ensure that failed transaction grievances reported to it by Consumers are immediately redirected to PayU Payments’ ODR system.

Failed transactions first reported directly to PayU Payments

C.6 The escalation matrix for failed transactions reported directly to PayU Payments (“Failed Transaction Reported to PayU Payments”) will be provided in the following manner:

a. Level 1: Failed Transaction Reported to PayU Payments handled through Multi Channel ODR System

(i) Consumers will be provided with one or more channels for lodging disputes and grievances through the chatbot and/or email address as made available on the ‘contact us’ page of (supported by a functionality with the ability to generate tickets that can be attended to by the backend teams). With experience gained, PayU Payments will also consider enhancing its overall care process taking into account needs of Merchants and Consumers.

(ii) A ticket will be created for every compliant lodged containing a grievance tracking number and the ticket will get communicated to the consumers after lodgment, at the earliest. Such ticket will also contain a grievance tracking number to be resolved within the timelines as specified in the RBI TAT Circular.

(iii) Consumers will be provided with the option to escalate the complaint to the next level within PayU Payments as indicated below in case the Consumer does not receive a resolution.

b. Level-2: Failed Transaction Reported to PayU Payments handled by Customer Care Head

(i) Consumers can escalate the grievance/ complaint to the Customer Care head as below:

Customer Care Head – PayU Payments
PayU Payments Private Limited
9th floor, Bestech Business Tower, Sohna road, Sector 48, Gurgaon -122002, Haryana, India
Email address: Consumer to provide the following details:
o Grievance tracking number or ticket, if any, issued by PayU Payments.
o Name of Merchant.
o Contact details of the Consumer.
o Date of first lodging the complaint with PayU Payments.
o Response provided by PayU Payments at Level 1.
o Description of complaint/ grievance.
o Any additional details that the Consumer may want to provide.
o Grievance tracking number provided by PayU Payments in the past.
(iii) All complaints received will be acknowledged at the earliest, the unique grievance tracking number issued at level 1 should be validated/tagged at level 2 and resolved within the timelines as specified in the RBI TAT Circular.(iv) Consumers should be provided with the option to escalate the complaint to the next level as indicated below.

c. Level 3: Failed Transaction Reported to PayU Payments handled by Nodal Officer
(i) Consumers can escalate the grievance/ complaint to the nodal officer as below.
Nodal Officer– PayU Payments
PayU Payments Private Limited
9th floor, Bestech Business Tower, Sohna road, Sector 48, Gurgaon -122002, Haryana, India
Email address:

(ii) Consumer to provide the following details:
o Grievance tracking number or ticket, if any, issued by PayU Payments.
o Name of Merchant.
o Date of first lodging the complaint with PayU Payments.
o Response provided by PayU Payments at Level 1.
o Response provided by the Customer Care Head at Level 2.
o Description of complaint/ grievance.
o Any additional details that the Consumer may want to provide.

(iii) All complaints received will be acknowledged at the earliest, the unique grievance tracking number issued at level 1 should be validated/tagged at level 3 and resolved within the timelines as specified by the RBI TAT Circular.

PayU Payments shall not be liable for any failure or delay in its performance under the CGR Policy caused by force majeure events such as acts of God, acts of civil or military authorities, fires, epidemics, pandemics, floods, earthquakes, riots, sabotage or destruction of production facilities, systems failure, technical mishaps, strikes, work stoppages, or any disputes such as industrial disputes.


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