While starting any online marketplace, businesses ought to have a payment solution in place for customers to transact and use the product/service. Apart from building the entire product, time and effort goes into looking for the best solutions available in the market to compliment the business type, size & the target audience.
When businesses approach payment solution providers, what do they look for?
- A stable product – YES!
- A great experience – YES!
- Minimal integration hassles – YES!
- Serviceability – YES!
One more very important thing is collaboration, between the solution provider and the business itself.
The only way to complete a professional software project is through collaboration. This collaboration is when both the business and the solutions provider’s teams come together to fulfill the requirements – for which PayU has created the developer documentation. The documentation includes detailed information of what all goes into the product from a technical standpoint, thus making it easier for the concerned teams at the business’s end to collaborate easily.
What does developer documentation provide?
It captures all the architectural details of the codebase, and guides developers through the software. This includes the product details and information about the APIs being used – integration information, sample documentation, tutorials on usage – how to use the product.
Businesses partnered with PayU can take advantage of PayU Docs which captures everything developers need for the PayU product portfolio.
PayU Docs
This is how the PayU Docs look like:
The interface enhances usability, ensuring developers a seamless experience navigating the portal.
PayU Docs features
The developer’s guide is packed with a host of features, a few of them being:
- Interactive API docs — The docs portal comes with a stitched API playground where developers can make API calls natively with test data. We have also included a native generate hash button to simplify the try-out experience. The API reference allows developers to try out the API calls in 12+ programming language, cURL, PHP, Python, Rube, Node being few of them.
- Step by step walkthroughs of the most used Mobile SDKs and Integrations – We have added recipes to walk developers through a code sample step by step to help them get started with PayU’s integrations faster. Get hand holding of some integration procedures with “Recipes” highlighting the code and steps.
- Enhanced navigation through the content, greater discoverability.
- Enhanced embedded search – The PayU Docs not only help developers jump to the exact required information but also makes it easy for them to try out APIs, navigate easily through the pages and even experiment in all the prominent languages for their ease.

To try the docs, click here.
Looking ahead to the next phase of the development, we will continuously improve the portal’s capabilities by including more and more features based on the feedback we receive from our partners, stakeholders and businesses. Our aim is to provide businesses with the best in class product, service and features to support them in their growth journey.
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