Gaming/gambling which includes lottery tickets, sports bets, memberships/ enrolment in online gambling sites, and related content.
Prescription drugs or herbal drugs or any kind of online pharmacies which includes drugs or other products requiring a prescription by a licensed medical practitioner. Exceptions mentioned below:
Medical devices that are authorized by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for over-the-counter purchase that are not otherwise restricted and are appropriately described and labelled including Eyeglass frames, Tanning devices, Otoscopes, Ionized or ionic bracelets, Personal Sound Amplification Products (PSAPs) etc.
Fireworks and related flammable goods
Securities which includes stocks, bonds, or related financial products
Forex merchants
Investment in the future of assets (Futures markets are the performance of contracts for purchase or sale of certain matters at a future date, agreeing price on the present, the amount and due date. Currently these negotiations are conducted in stock markets)
Portfolio Collection, Debt Collection
Stock trading & Financial advisory
Multilevel sales, profits or income by referral of new users
Real Estate
Surgical products on B2B model
Club memberships
Money transfer
Resume Writing Services
Sale of gemstones / High value jewellery
Sale of animal husbandry
Antiques or collectibles
Dietary and herbal supplements
OTC drugs
Photographs, images from videos, images generated by PC Images (copyright or intellectual property)
Foundations, donations or fundraising by third parties
Discount coupons, coupons
Sex shops and erotic items
Professional services (psychologists, lawyers, etc.)
Protection services (Bodyguards services)
Electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes)
Political Parties; Politically related payments (donations for a party)